- Eating mangoes (although the season is almost over)
- Washing clothes by hand
- Playing card games with my friends
- Eating Yassa Poulet, Thiebougien, and Mafe
- Trying to catch two foot lizards (they're the small ones)
- Getting water from the well
- Wearing my 5 color paine
- Getting my hair braided
- Eating monkey bread
A Normal Day
Every morning I wake up at 7:00 and do my Bible study. Next I take 400 francs and by 4 baguettes from the boutique next door for breakfast. After that, I take the bread to the kitchen and pass them over the fire to kill all the germs on them. Then we eat the bread accompanied with chocolate spread, peanut butter, and either jelly or butter. After breakfast comes school, and after school, the fun part: playing! Normally I go to the Diatta's and help my friends wash the bowls or wash clothes. And after that comes the really fun part: playing cards. Lately our friends have been teaching us new games like Outiko, Mon Carre, Jeu et Demi, and Menteur. Normally the signal to stop playing cards comes in two forms: falling off our stools laughing or being called to eat. After lunch we'll hang out till dinner, take our showers and then play cards again. And, to answer your question, no, it never gets old.
As usual your very descriptive entries give me a much more 'fleshed out' view of your life. I imagine that is your plan and I thank you very much! Bless all ya'll!